If you have been connected to me for the last year, you know one of my favorite entrepreneurs is Myliek Teele. I absolutely love her and her businesses. You can get her mug (featured in the photo above) by clicking here!
So let's get into this EXCELLENT content for you to kick fear, procrastination, and low self-worth in the you-know-what and get to living an excellent lifestyle! 1. E- Everyone is not going to "get you" and you have to be OK with that. In fact, the sooner you become OK with that, the sooner you can get on with creating an excellent life for you yourself, your family, and your community. When you stop trying to prove yourself to others and stop trying to gain their acceptance, approval, and support, you shift your energy to people, places, and things that inspire and motivate you. Don't worry, you're going to lose some friends, associates, and some acquaintances along the way, but the universe has a way of aligning you with the right people at the right time. When people leave your life, bless them and keep it moving. 2. X- X-ray vision is essential to living an excellent life because you are going to have times in your life when you will want to quit and throw in the towel. Don't. You'll get through it and, ironically, you may even get to a place in your life where you will look back and see that what you are going through as one of the biggest blessings in your life. See through your crappy situation like an x-ray machine sees through your body! 3. C- Can't has to stay IN your vocabulary. I often hear people say to take the word can't out of your vocabulary. I would like to offer you the exact opposite information and invite you to continue keeping it IN your vocabulary. If you want to live an EXCELLENT life, you can't do broke people or broken thoughts, you can't do drama, you can't show up to work late, you can't talk about your boss in a disrespectful way and expect to be blessed at work, you can't eat unhealthy things on a regular basis, you can't afford to do things just to "pass the time", you can't live in a dirty, messy and unorganized house... There are a lot of things you can't do! So get to not doing them!! 4. E- Excellence can take you further than your education and training. It doesn't matter how many degrees you have or how many training hours you have accumulated if you don't work on YOU- you will find it more difficult to advance in your life. Being an excellent person does not mean in any way that you or I are perfect. It simply means that we do our very, very best most of the time. 5. L- Live the way you want to live in 3 years, right now! Where do you see yourself in 3 years? Act as if you are already living that life right now. This is so important. This isn't about lying or putting on a show. It's a state of mind. When you realize that you can have, do, or be anything you set your mind to, excellence will become the norm. 6. L- Look at how far you've come. Can we take a minute to have a praise break for how far you have come!!! I think too often, we are so busy trying to get, get, get, and there is nothing wrong with that! However, take a moment or 2 or 3 or 4 to celebrate yourself. Where were you this time last year? 7. E- Eat your fruits and vegetables. I know, I know... The cupcakes look absolutely AMAZING these days. I'm not saying you can't have a treat every now and then, but make sure you are taking proper care of your body. "Your health is your wealth" is not some fancy quote or cute saying. It is reality. How can you do excellent things in a broken body? 8. N- Name it and claim it is not a "catchy" phrase or some motivational mumbo-jumbo. You are naming and claiming things all day long. "I'm tired", "I don't feel like it", "Money burns a hole in my pocket"... Do any of those phrases sound familiar? Guess what you are doing when you are saying those things? Wait for it...You're GETTING THEM! You are tired, you don't feel like it, and you are broke. Start naming and claiming the things you do want and they will manifest for you just like the things you don't want do! 9. T- There is always someone watching you that can greatly bless you. Always. People are always watching you and what you do even if you are not aware of it. BE excellent at all times and the universe will conspire along with you to make things happen! Cheers to living an EXCELLENT lifestyle! Let me know in the comments below which tip you will start working on first.
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